FFVoile Level 4


FFVoile Level 4

What is it ?

A specific 5-day course to enable you to acquire the necessary techniques to be able to sail in autonomy.

Our instructors will be there to guide you during your navigation and to prepare you for the practical and theoretical certification (aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, meteorology, settings, safety, environment, etc.).

For Who ?
  • Above 14 years old
  • Technical FFVoile level 3
  • FFVoile license

When ?
  • April 2024
  • October 2024
  • From 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 A.M. and from 01:45 P.M. to 05:00 P.M.
  • Schedules are subject to change depending on weather conditions.

Programm ?

  Monday Thuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
AM Presentation of the week
Preparation of the boats
Weather: effects of sites, clouds, etc ... Aero / Hydro
Dynamic settings
Static settings Written test
Preparation of the material for the evaluation
PM Navigation
Assessment of the trainees to define their needs and expectations
Sailing upwind and downwind with spinnaker
Navigating and maneuvering: gybing, tacking, tackle, windward. Discovery of the Coast. Navigation and sailing and frame edge Assessment on the water
Individual review

Price  ?
  • 280 €
  • or three weeks of Instructor Assistant 
  • *Price does not include the mandatory Licence Club FFvoile liscence for the ongoing year : 35 € pour les minors et 70 € pour les majors, possiblity to take it at the Club

How to register ?

Follow the link : Online registration