Instructor - CQP IV
>Instructor - CQP IV
When ?
From All Saints' Day vacation 2024 to summer 2025
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The diploma : Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle initiateur Voile (CQP IV)
What ?
The training program is divided into 3 parts :
- 108.5 hours at the training center (OF)
- 24 hours of distance learning
- 114 hours of on-the-job training
As a reminder, a complete training program for an inexperienced trainee or a trainee eligible for vocational training funding, including certification tests, must meet the following minimum requirements :
- 269 hours (7 to 8 weeks) divided into a minimum of 150 hours at a training center (4 weeks, including 21 hours of distance learning) and a minimum of 119 hours on the job (3 to 4 weeks).
Breakdown by skill block (for a complete course) :
- Competency block 1 : “Preparing and running introductory and advanced sailing courses” : 94 hours at a training center and 70 hours in a work-study program (i.e. 4 and a half weeks).
- Competency block 2 : “Organization, information and communication concerning your activities as a sports and physical instructor” : 21 hours at a training center and 14 hours on a sandwich course (1 week).
- Competency block 3 : “Maintenance, preparation and supervision of unsupervised sailing in a specific nautical area” + EPMSP test : 35 hours OF and 35 hours alternating between OF and EPMSP (i.e. 2 weeks).
The 3 blocks can be lightened according to the candidate's profile (experience as an assistant instructor, as a competitor, experience within a structure, coaching experience).
They will be the subject of a positioning with the trainee at the start of training, with the training organization validating an individualized course with the corresponding adapted training volumes.
Training reductions do not exempt trainees from taking the 3 certification tests and the EPMSP, which remain compulsory.
What are the training stages ?
1. Experience as an assistant instructor :
- Must be at least 15 years old.
- FFVoile license and medical certificate for the current calendar year.
- FFVoile technical level 3.
- Parental authorization for minors.
See the “Assistant instructor” page.
2. Prerequisites for entry into training :
- Must be at least 16 years old.
- FFVoile license and medical certificate for the current calendar year.
- FFVoile technical level 4.
- Swimming certificate (25 meters) and passage under a surface obstacle 1 meter long.
- Boat license.
- First aid training (PSC1).
- Parental authorization for minors.
3. Work-study training :
- 269 hours minimum divided into 150 hours minimum in OF and 119 hours minimum in company.
- 3 blocks:
- “Preparation and running of introductory and advanced sailing courses”.
- “Organization, information and communication concerning your activities as a sports and physical instructor”.
- “Maintenance, preparation and supervision of unsupervised sailing activities in a specific nautical area”.
4. Certification :
- Certifications :
- Block 3
- Block 2
- Block 1
- Validation by an FFVoile jury.
- Diploma issued by the FFVoile (17 years old).
Prices ?
280 €/week*.
*Prices do not include the current year's FFvoile Club License.
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